FSL SeniorNet
Solve Your Technical Problem Request
Perhaps you haven’t had time for a full class and just want to solve one technical problem. We offer personalized problem solving for smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers (Mac and PC). Just let us know what you want to learn and we’ll match you with an experienced teacher.
To request technical help please complete and submit the information below.
You will be contacted by FSL SeniorNet to discuss your request.
Once a date/time is agreed to you will be given a link to register and pay for the session.
FEES: The fee for the each hour is $20 payable three business days in advance.
Sessions not cancelled by giving at least one (1) business day advance notice are not refundable. eMail the FSL SeniorNet office at fslseniornet@fsl-li.org or call 631-470-6757.
A program of Family Service League
790 Park Ave, Huntington, NY 11743